
The Penezzi Choro Camp is the first Choro Festival held in the midst of nature and is scheduled for September 22nd, 23rd, and 24th in Piracicaba, São Paulo. Participants are required to bring their own tents for 3 days of intense musical immersion, with classes for 7-string and 6-string guitars, mandolin, cavaquinho, pandeiro, and clarinet.
Additionally, every night there will be ‘Rodas de Choro’ with the teachers, where participants can practice and share knowledge with each other.”
The notable master guitarist from Piracicaba, Sérgio Belluco, will be the patron of the event. During the program, we will celebrate his 94 years of contribution to music.
Each year, we will have a special honoree. In this edition, we will pay tribute to Luizinho 7-string, a renowned Choro and Samba guitarist, to further enrich the participants’ experience.

- Alessandro penezzi -

7 and 6-string guitar workshop

Alessandro Penezzi is considered one of the great virtuosos of Brazilian guitar. His concerts have been performed in various countries, including the USA, Russia, Japan, Africa, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Kosovo, Macedonia, Belgium, Netherlands, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Morocco, and Portugal.
With a degree in Popular Music from Unicamp, specializing in Creative Processes from Faculdade Souza Lima, and in Guitar and Pedagogy from Faculdade Santa Marcelina, Penezzi’s expertise goes beyond guitar performance. His skill as a multiinstrumentalist is evident in his mastery of 7-string guitar, tenor guitar, cavaquinho, bandolim, and flute. Additionally, his talent as a composer is widely recognized, resulting in a prolific musical body of work. He has received honors and nominations for his instrumental and compositional contributions, including the Prêmio da Música Brasileira (2017 and 2006), Prêmio Tim de Música Brasileira (2006), and Prêmio Shell de Teatro.

Alessandro Penezzi is considered one of the great virtuosos of Brazilian guitar. His concerts have been performed in various countries, including the USA, Russia, Japan, Africa, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Kosovo, Macedonia, Belgium, Netherlands, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, Morocco, and Portugal.
With a degree in Popular Music from Unicamp, specializing in Creative Processes from Faculdade Souza Lima, and in Guitar and Pedagogy from Faculdade Santa Marcelina, Penezzi’s expertise goes beyond guitar performance. His skill as a multiinstrumentalist is evident in his mastery of 7-string guitar, tenor guitar, cavaquinho, bandolim, and flute. Additionally, his talent as a composer is widely recognized, resulting in a prolific musical body of work. He has received honors and nominations for his instrumental and compositional contributions, including the Prêmio da Música Brasileira (2017 and 2006), Prêmio Tim de Música Brasileira (2006), and Prêmio Shell de Teatro.

Imortal Esteemed Honoree Patron

With great pride, Penezzi Choro Camp appoints the eminent musician from Piracicaba, Sérgio Napoleão Belluco, as the Immortal Patron of the Festival.
Renowned guitarist, composer, arranger, teacher, and visual artist, he dedicated his entire life and work to the creation and dissemination of Music.
Born on July 8, 1931, he began studying guitar at the age of 13. He made his debut at the studios of Radio Difusora de Piracicaba, performing solos and accompanying ‘seresteiros’ and singers.
Having graduated from Conservatório Carlos Gomes in Campinas in 1958, he taught classical guitar at Conservatório Musical e Dramático de Piracicaba, Escola de Música Ernst Mahle, and Conservatório Santa Marcelina in Botucatu. He participated in and founded several musical groups such as Sexteto Piracicabano de Violões, Conjunto Som Brasileiro, and Conjunto Serenata.
His influence and talent are widely recognized and admired by the music community. As a composer of more than 80 works, including pieces for solo guitar and choro, Belluco was the foremost promoter and teacher of classical guitar and Choro in Piracicaba and the surrounding region.
In 2017, Yamandú Costa and Alessandro Penezzi performed at Sesc Piracicaba, paying a beautiful tribute to Maestro Belluco by inviting him to the stage to receive the Trophy of Honor for his body of work. He was also honored by Regional Água de Vintém, which recorded a CD exclusively featuring his compositions.

- Luizinho 7 Cordas -


Luiz Araújo Amorim, known as Luizinho 7 Cordas, is 76 years old and is considered one of the greatest 7-string guitarists of choro and samba, both in Brazil and abroad. Born in Marília-SP, in 1977 he participated in the I Festival Nacional do Choro, promoted by TV Bandeirantes, and received the ‘Prêmio Revelação’ (Revelation Award) from his friend and master, Dino 7 Cordas, his greatest influence. In an interview for a Rio de Janeiro radio station, Dino once declared that Luizinho was one of his favorites and considered him his successor.
In 1979, Luizinho joined the ‘Regional do Evandro do Bandolim’, gaining international recognition. Throughout his career, he performed several national and international tours, especially to Japan, where he has been multiple times.
Luizinho has accompanied some of the greatest artists in Brazil, such as Elizeth Cardoso, Clara Nunes, Beth Carvalho, Alcione, Cartola, Nelson Cavaquinho, Nelson Gonçalves, Sílvio Caldas, Orlando Silva, Paulinho da Viola, Ney Matogrosso, Luiz Gonzaga, Dominguinhos, João Nogueira, Martinho da Vila, Elza Soares, Ivone Lara, Clementina de Jesus, among others.

- Luizinho 7 Cordas -


Luiz Araújo Amorim, conhecido como Luizinho 7 cordas, tem 76 anos e é considerado um dos maiores violonistas do choro e do samba, tanto no Brasil como no exterior. Natural de Marília-SP, em 1977 participou do I Festival Nacional do Choro, promovido pela TV Bandeirantes, e recebeu o Prêmio Revelação das mãos de seu amigo e mestre Dino 7 Cordas, sua maior influência. Certa vez, em entrevista para uma rádio carioca, Dino declarou
que Luizinho era um dos seus favoritos e que o considerava seu sucessor.
Em 1979, Luizinho entrou para o Regional de Evandro do Bandolim, alcançando projeção internacional. Ao longo de sua trajetória, fez várias turnês nacionais e internacionais, principalmente para o Japão, onde esteve diversas vezes.
Luizinho já acompanhou alguns dos maiores artistas do Brasil, como Elizeth Cardoso, Clara Nunes, Beth Carvalho, Alcione, Cartola, Nelson Cavaquinho, Nelson Gonçalves, Sílvio Caldas, Orlando Silva, Paulinho da Viola, Ney Matogrosso, Luiz Gonzaga, Dominguinhos, João Nogueira, Martinho da Vila, Elza Soares, Ivone Lara, Clementina de Jesus, entre outros.

Luiz Araújo Amorim, known as Luizinho 7 Cordas, is 76 years old and is considered one of the greatest 7-string guitarists of choro and samba, both in Brazil and abroad. Born in Marília-SP, in 1977 he participated in the I Festival Nacional do Choro, promoted by TV Bandeirantes, and received the ‘Prêmio Revelação’ (Revelation Award) from his friend and master, Dino 7 Cordas, his greatest influence. In an interview for a Rio de Janeiro radio station, Dino once declared that Luizinho was one of his favorites and considered him his successor.
In 1979, Luizinho joined the ‘Regional do Evandro do Bandolim’, gaining international recognition. Throughout his career, he performed several national and international tours, especially to Japan, where he has been multiple times.
Luizinho has accompanied some of the greatest artists in Brazil, such as Elizeth Cardoso, Clara Nunes, Beth Carvalho, Alcione, Cartola, Nelson Cavaquinho, Nelson Gonçalves, Sílvio Caldas, Orlando Silva, Paulinho da Viola, Ney Matogrosso, Luiz Gonzaga, Dominguinhos, João Nogueira, Martinho da Vila, Elza Soares, Ivone Lara, Clementina de Jesus, among others.

Objective: Musical Experience and Lessons

The Penezzi Choro Camp was created to provide an immersion in the universe of Choro, so that each participant can enhance their musical skills by interacting with renowned teachers and fellow musicians for an entire weekend. Our objective is to encourage camaraderie and interaction among everyone, promoting the exchange of experiences after the challenging period of the coronavirus pandemic, ensuring an enriching and personalized musical experience.

- Roberta Valente -

Pandeiro workshop

Pandeiro master player, producer, and Brazillian Music researcher, she is a reference in samba and choro in São Paulo. She is a member of important groups such as Chorando as Pitangas, Panorama do Choro, Bando da Rua, and Roberta Valente Quartet, as well as accompanying various samba and MPB singers in different projects.
She has performed alongside renowned names in contemporary music such as Yamandu Costa, Hamilton de Holanda, Banda Mantiqueira, Altamiro Carrilho, André Mehmari, Dona Ivone Lara, Fabiana Cozza, Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho, Raul de Souza, Paulo Moura, Juçara Marçal, Alessandro Penezzi, Gabriele Mirabassi, and many others. Through playing and conducting pandeiro workshops, as well as teaching the history of choro, samba, and Brazilian Music, she has toured all over Brazil and internationally – Australia, India, New Zealand, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, London, and the Netherlands.
Roberta works as a producer in the instrumental scene of São Paulo, responsible for important shows at Sesc, Sesi, municipal venues, companies, television, events, weddings, etc. Also she is a professor of Choro History at the School of Choro in São Paulo.

- Roberta Valente -

Pandeiro workshop

Pandeirista, produtora e pesquisadora de MPB, referência no samba e no choro de SP. Integra os importantes grupos Chorando as Pitangas, Panorama do Choro, Bando da Rua e Roberta Valente Quarteto, além de acompanhar vários cantores de samba e MPB em diversos projetos.
Já se apresentou ao lado dos maiores nomes da música contemporânea, como Yamandu Costa, Hamilton de Holanda, Banda Mantiqueira, Altamiro Carrilho, André Mehmari, Dona Ivone Lara, Fabiana Cozza, Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho, Raul de Souza, Paulo Moura, Juçara Marçal, Alessandro Penezzi, Gabriele Mirabassi e muitos outros. Tocando e ministrando workshops de pandeiro, da história do choro, do samba e da MPB, realizou turnês por todo o Brasil e pelo exterior – Austrália, Índia, Nova Zelândia, EUA, Argentina, Uruguai, França, Itália, Portugal, Espanha, Londres e Holanda.
Roberta atua como produtora no cenário instrumental de São Paulo, sendo responsável por importantes shows em unidades do Sesc, Sesi, prefeituras, empresas, televisão, eventos, casamentos, etc. É professora de História do Choro na Escola de Choro de SP.

Pandeiro master player, producer, and Brazillian Music researcher, she is a reference in samba and choro in São Paulo. She is a member of important groups such as Chorando as Pitangas, Panorama do Choro, Bando da Rua, and Roberta Valente Quartet, as well as accompanying various samba and MPB singers in different projects.
She has performed alongside renowned names in contemporary music such as Yamandu Costa, Hamilton de Holanda, Banda Mantiqueira, Altamiro Carrilho, André Mehmari, Dona Ivone Lara, Fabiana Cozza, Martinho da Vila, Beth Carvalho, Raul de Souza, Paulo Moura, Juçara Marçal, Alessandro Penezzi, Gabriele Mirabassi, and many others. Through playing and conducting pandeiro workshops, as well as teaching the history of choro, samba, and Brazilian Music, she has toured all over Brazil and internationally – Australia, India, New Zealand, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, London, and the Netherlands.
Roberta works as a producer in the instrumental scene of São Paulo, responsible for important shows at Sesc, Sesi, municipal venues, companies, television, events, weddings, etc. Also she is a professor of Choro History at the School of Choro in São Paulo.

- Milton Mori -

Cavaquinho and mandolin workshop

Milton Mori is widely recognized as one of the most virtuosic Brazilian mandolinists of all time. He holds a degree in music theory from Curso Musical Brasília and a music education degree from UNIMES. In addition to his prowess as a composer, teacher, music producer, audio editor, and arranger, Milton also plays the cavaquinho, 7-string guitar, and tenor guitar with divine skill.
His experience as an arranger and producer encompasses a variety of musical projects, including collaborations with renowned artists and groups such as Demônios da Garoa, Altamiro Carrilho, Armandinho Macedo, Elza Soares, Trio Gato Com Fome, Germano Mathias, Luís Nassif, Wanderléa, João Macacão, Danilo Brito, the MPBaby album collection, Rosária Gatti, and Cristina Buarque, among others.
Milton has participated in important music events such as the 38th Curitiba Music Workshop, the Choraço at Sesc 24 de Maio, and the Campos do Jordão Summer Festival, both as a musician and a teacher. He is a member of the group Chorando as Pitangas, with whom he travels throughout Brazil giving lecture-concerts.

- Milton Mori -

Cavaquinho and mandolin workshop

Milton Mori is widely recognized as one of the most virtuosic Brazilian mandolinists of all time. He holds a degree in music theory from Curso Musical Brasília and a music education degree from UNIMES. In addition to his prowess as a composer, teacher, music producer, audio editor, and arranger, Milton also plays the cavaquinho, 7-string guitar, and tenor guitar with divine skill.
His experience as an arranger and producer encompasses a variety of musical projects, including collaborations with renowned artists and groups such as Demônios da Garoa, Altamiro Carrilho, Armandinho Macedo, Elza Soares, Trio Gato Com Fome, Germano Mathias, Luís Nassif, Wanderléa, João Macacão, Danilo Brito, the MPBaby album collection, Rosária Gatti, and Cristina Buarque, among others.
Milton has participated in important music events such as the 38th Curitiba Music Workshop, the Choraço at Sesc 24 de Maio, and the Campos do Jordão Summer Festival, both as a musician and a teacher. He is a member of the group Chorando as Pitangas, with whom he travels throughout Brazil giving lecture-concerts.

- Alexandre Ribeiro -

Clarinet workshop

As the heir to great clarinet players like Severino Araújo, Nailor Azevedo “Proveta,” and Paulo Moura, Alexandre Ribeiro possesses an exquisite technique and impeccable interpretation, captivating his listeners from the first notes.
Through his performances and workshops on clarinet and Choro ensemble playing, the artist has embarked on national and international tours, spanning countries such as India, the United States, Denmark, Russia, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Argentina, Portugal, and Spain, among others.
Throughout his journey, he has shared the stage with renowned artists such as Guinga, Dominguinhos, Paulo Moura, Yamandu Costa, Raul de Souza, André Mehmari, Toninho Ferragutti, Ken Peplowski, Toquinho, Elton Medeiros, Gabriele Mirabassi, Tulipa Ruiz, and many others. He has also recorded alongside Alessandro Penezzi, Zé Barbeiro, Toninho Ferragutti, Dominguinhos, Grupo Ó do Borogodó, Fabiana Cozza, Banda Jazz Sinfônica de Diadema, Jair Rodrigues, Wanderléa, Conjunto Época de Ouro, Paulo César Pinheiro, and numerous other artists.

- Alexandre Ribeiro -

Clarinet workshop

As the heir to great clarinet players like Severino Araújo, Nailor Azevedo “Proveta,” and Paulo Moura, Alexandre Ribeiro possesses an exquisite technique and impeccable interpretation, captivating his listeners from the first notes.
Through his performances and workshops on clarinet and Choro ensemble playing, the artist has embarked on national and international tours, spanning countries such as India, the United States, Denmark, Russia, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Argentina, Portugal, and Spain, among others.
Throughout his journey, he has shared the stage with renowned artists such as Guinga, Dominguinhos, Paulo Moura, Yamandu Costa, Raul de Souza, André Mehmari, Toninho Ferragutti, Ken Peplowski, Toquinho, Elton Medeiros, Gabriele Mirabassi, Tulipa Ruiz, and many others. He has also recorded alongside Alessandro Penezzi, Zé Barbeiro, Toninho Ferragutti, Dominguinhos, Grupo Ó do Borogodó, Fabiana Cozza, Banda Jazz Sinfônica de Diadema, Jair Rodrigues, Wanderléa, Conjunto Época de Ouro, Paulo César Pinheiro, and numerous other artists.

Rodas de Choro (Jam Sessions)

The Rodas de Choro are one of the main activities of Penezzi Choro Camp, promoting practical experience and the sharing of acquired knowledge. They bring together Choro musicians and enthusiasts of all ages, allowing students to apply what they have learned during classes by exploring music, chord progressions, breaks, conventions, rhythms, and ‘baixarias’ (bass lines).




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